The cleaning process for industrial equipment must be smooth and not sticky. However, in reality, traditional cleaning methods often leave stubborn residues behind.
By Charles Pandian
The cleaning process for industrial equipment must be smooth and not sticky. However, in reality, traditional cleaning methods often leave stubborn residues behind. If these residues are not removed from the equipment surface, they can contaminate the next batch! What’s more? To remove these sticky stains, excess amounts of water are required; this, in turn, becomes a labour-intensive and time-consuming process.
Today, we bring you a case study on how Jetspray’s Drizzle PLUS Spray Systems can rinse your toughest grime efficiently and precisely and take away your headache forever!
A well-known dairy processing unit was troubled with stubborn residues in their mixing tanks. The mixing tank is used to churn out the creamy delights, and it was not easy to clean them at all! The usual spinning spray balls proved to be ineffective. Opting for manual scrubbing was tedious and time-consuming. The use of excessive water to remove those sticky stains affected the efficiency and was not a sustainable solution.
These ineffective cleaning solutions not only compromised the hygiene standards but also resulted in increasing downtime, operational costs, and excessive use of water and chemicals. The dairy plant spent extra time and resources maintaining the required hygiene standards, leading to unnecessary expenses and loss of productivity.
Jetspray came up with a robust solution- the Drizzle Spray balls. These spray nozzles are crafted with PTFE slide-bearing technology in the Drizzle PLUS Series. They ensure high-impact and precise rinsing, removing stubborn residues. These spray balls are available in multiple sizes and flow rates, making them a perfect choice for every tank.
Unlike the traditional, resource-intensive and time-consuming methods, the Drizzle PLUS series helped save water while effectively cleaning the mixing tanks. After installing the Drizzle PLUS Rotating Spray ball, the processing plant no longer required manual intervention and saved lots of precious time. The Drizzle Spray nozzles delivered cleaning solution at par for every batch.
The Drizzle Spray ball spray system uses precision-engineered slots to generate high-impact jets, reaching every nook and cranny of the tank. The optimized spray systems’ design ensures maximum efficiency with minimal resources. Whether a compact mixing vessel or a large processing tank, the Drizzle spray nozzles adapt seamlessly to every cleaning requirement.
The Drizzle Spray Systems by Jetspray not only solved the problem of sticky stains but also transformed the way the plant handled its cleaning processes. Now, the cleaning cycles are faster and more efficient, saving significant costs for the company. The operators are more than happy with the way the mess gets cleaned up!
Plot No. 55, CIDCO Service Industrial Area, Sector 1A, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400708
Plot No. 55, CIDCO Service Industrial Area, C/o: Hans Machining Solutions, West, Sector 1A, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400708